CHILDREN'S FASHION FAIR (CFF) is the largest specialized children's fashion exhibition in Ukraine in the B2B (business-to-business) format, bringing together manufacturers, suppliers, and retailers of children's clothing, footwear, and accessories.
This event is designed for professionals involved in the production, distribution, or sale of children's goods, offering an effective platform for establishing business connections, signing contracts, and exploring new trends in children's fashion.
The exhibition is held twice a year: in spring – alongside BABY EXPO, the leading exhibition of children’s products, and in autumn, allowing participants to address both seasonal needs and long-term business plans.
Since its inception in 1996 and until 2018, the event was known as Baby Fashion. Today, CHILDREN'S FASHION FAIR stands as Ukraine's first and leading B2B exhibition, setting standards in the children's fashion industry.
The major B2B event of children's fashion industry in Ukraine
Held twice a year (Spring/Autumn) since 2006
Official representatives in Italy, China, Poland, Turkey
Kyiv, Prospekt Beresteyskyi ave. (Peremohy), 40-B
М1 red line, Shulyavskaya station
+38 (044) 456 38 04
+38 (093) 012 32 23
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CHILDREN'S FASHION FAIR (CFF) – це найбільша в Україні спеціалізована виставка дитячої моди формату "бізнес для бізнесу". Виставка для тих, хто виробляє та продає дитячий одяг та взуття. Виставка проводиться двічі на рік: навесні - одночасно з виставкою товарів для дітей BABY EXPO та восени. 3 1996 року до 2018 року проводилась під назвою Baby Fashion. CHILDREN'S FASHION FAIR стала першою в Україні b2b виставкою в сфері дитячої фешн-індустрії.